I noticed today that the HUGE wart that he has on his wrist is almost gone!! Hayden has had warts on his wrist for over a year now. It started off as a small wart and then it multiplied to three small warts and they continued to grow. I made the decision to have them burnt off with this natural bug juice stuff his ex-pediatrician recommended. Not only did it burn the warts off it burned a large chuck of my child's wrist off as well. My poor son did not move his arm for 12 hours following the "burning". I seriously thought they broke my little man's wrist in the process. Thank goodness he started moving it right when I was getting ready to take him to the ER for x-rays. Well the three warts came back with a vengeance!!! It came back as one HUGE wart that consumed about 75% of Hayden's wrist :( I decided to wait to do anything with warts. I am pretty sure I have post traumatic stress disorder from the whole burning off process. So why is this wart just disappearing on it's own??? I am pretty sure it is the bionic silver we are using to treat Hayden's systemic fungal infection!!! YEAH...go away warts and DON'T come back!!
This week at the pool Hayden played catch back and forth with a little girl for about 10 rotations. The whole time they both were laughing and smiling. Hayden was looking her in the eye and telling her to throw it the entire time :) I am pretty sure the game would have continued but the little girl's Mom told her is was time to go home. He said, "bye friend" with NO prompting. I still tear up just thinking about it. BEAUTIFUL, just beautiful!!!
Hayden's overall ability to follow direction has drastically improved as well. I ask him to do something and he does it and tell me he did. There have been a few times that I have turned and looked around the room to see if someone is "punking" me. What more could I ask for..............seriously??
Hayden's language is also exploding!! He is telling me exactly what he wants, how he wants it, and why he wants it. He is telling me what is going on. He is telling me what color of shirt I have on. He is telling me his emotions.
Hayden is expressing his emotions and telling me how he feels!! Any parent of an autistic child gets how HUGE this is :) Hayden can make and draw happy, sad, silly, and mad faces. He told me today that he was sad, sleepy and wanted me to hold him on the couch. As soon as I picked my jaw up off the floor we bee lined it for the couch!!! I can't even tell you all the times I have wanted to do nothing more than to hold my child and love on him and have him enjoy it. Well my dreams are coming true. Not only does Hayden enjoy me holding him and loving on him he is asking me to do so!!
I feel like I could go on and on about all of Hayden's accomplishments this week. The beautiful thing is that I am not the only one seeing Hayden's amazing changes. One of his volunteers today came out of a session today with the look of amazement on her face. She told me she truly felt connected to Hayden and seen his true personality today :)
My Mom and I took Hayden to the circus last week and he LOVED it :) He smiled, laughed, and clapped at all the appropriate times. He even went up to a clown and said, "hi." He behaved better than any neruo typical child there. The truly remarkable thing happened when we were leaving. He walked ahead a little farther than I would like and I said his name. Hayden stopped, turned and looked at me right in the eye. It was so much fun!!!
Miracles are Happening!! Thank you God for all of your blessings :)
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Hayden, Ruby, and Grammie playing with the photo booth app on my computer. They were chipmunks. |
Oh my gosh Brandi, so totally awesome. Wow, amazing on the wart thing too. Love hearing this!!!