Friday, March 9, 2012

The Lorax

I had the pleasure of taking the kids to see The Lorax last night.  I couldn't have asked for better behavior from Ruby and Hayden.  I actually watched the whole movie :) Hayden laughed at appropriate parts and it seemed as he was truly understanding the movie and the emotions from the characters.

While watching The Lorax I couldn't help to think about how it relates to my life.  The plot is about what happens when we choose not to protect our environment and a 12 year old boy is determined to save the environment and win over the love of his crush.

So how does this relate to my life?  I look at my sweet child and see all the harm that has been caused to him from the toxic environment that we live in.  I failed to protect him as an infant and did not make good choices for him.  I exposed him to so many environmental toxins that I could have prevented and limited his exposure to.  Now this may sound like I am beating myself up, but honest to goodness I am not.  I have accepted that I made poor decisions not because I wanted to harm my child, but because I was ignorant and trusting.  You may read this and think "I did the same kinds of things with my child and he is healthy."  Unfortunately Hayden has some pretty crapy genetics that put him at a much higher risk.

I fear for the future!  I fear that the diets we consume are killing us and our children.  I fear that we are poisoning our children one by one with the crap that is loaded in vaccinations.  Take the time to read what  is in the food you are putting in your mouth.  Take the time to read what exactly is in the vaccination you are going to give your child.  Take the time to treat the true medical problem instead of covering up the symptoms with a pill.

I feel like I am the 12 year old boy in the movie.  I am determined to not only help heal my son but help others heal their children as well.  I also try to spread awareness on how you can prevent your child from developing autism.  I know I sound crazy to most.  I look at my sweet 4.5 year old son and all that he has been through in such a short amount of time and pray that no one else has to experience or suffer the way he has.

I have a feeling that once Hayden is recovered from autism there is going to be a career change in my future.  I don't know what yet but I am going to continue my journey with autism.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post Brandi, I am with you 100%. Your family is so great and I hope to meet you in person sometime: )
