Dear Hayden,
It brings tears to my eyes thinking about your turning seven years old on Friday. I can't believe it!!! SEVEN… are almost SEVEN!!! I am so stinking proud of you. You have faced and over come more than any child your age should have to.
You have given me more than I could ever think about giving you. I am so blessed to have you in my life. You have taught me what pure, real, unconditional love is. You have given me the gift of patience and selflessness. Whenever I look or think of you I smile and see you for the beautiful, spirited, fun loving, and sweet little boy you are. You are a real gift from God.
Your sixth year of life has been one of big changes and lots of fun. You transitioned from doing therapy 40 hours a week to 3 hours a week. You started going to Montessori School 5, 1/2 days a week. You played pee wee basketball and tee ball. You continued going to lego club and story time at our local library.
For the most part you like school. Your favorite parts of school are snack time and p.e. You really grew and developed socially and emotionally through out the school year. This was your first time since you were 3 years old being away from Mommy. You did beautiful. This coming school year you will be in Kindergarten and going to school all day, 5 days a week. I am so proud! You go to school on your own just like the other kids :)
You loved basketball and even scored a basket at one of your games. You got really good a dribbling and understanding the basic concepts of the game. You liked baseball and by the end of the season you were grasping the concepts of the game and seemed to be enjoying playing.
The biggest change in your sixth year of life is that you stopped playing with your precious cars. The cars that you would line up for hours and examine their wheels as you spanned them. The cars that no one else was allowed to touch or even look at, at times sat untouched for weeks at a time. You still play with them occasionally but they are no longer an obsession / security object for you.
Your favorite things to play with now are Angry Birds, legos, and markers. You still love to be read to. You enjoy singing songs and dancing. Your sister, Ruby is your best friend. You two are inseparable the majority of the time. You play well together and pick at one another too. You have a bond like no other.
I have also noticed that you are gaining more and more independence. You no longer want Mommy right there by your side all the time. You will often gravitate to Grammie or Daddy for love, help, and support. You want to go in the boys bathroom all by yourself when we are out and about (sorry for not letting you but there are sick people in this world).
You play board games following the rules and are happy regardless or winning or losing. You still love to swing, play in the water, and dig in the sandbox.
You have mastered the art of turn taking and waiting in line patiently. You use your words to communicate and the majority of the time have a smile on your face.
Your favorite foods are fat stake, brussels sprouts, bacon, and fruit. You love to help in the kitchen. Your favorite part in operating the blender and cutting up produce. Well, maybe sampling all the food and produce might really be your favorite part.
You amaze me every single day Hayden!! You have come so far from the little boy that had no language, stimmed all day and night, screamed 90% of the day and night, and didn't want anyone to touch you.
I am so blessed to be your Mommy :) Happy 7th Birthday sweet boy!!!!! May all your hopes and dreams come true and if they don't you choose happiness and never give up!!!
We had a lot of fun your 6th year of life :)
Snuggling with sissy at bedtime |
Loving leggo club |
looking for frogs |
Our pet pig, Parker that we had for a week before Daddy took him back |
Rainy day fun……fishing in the bathtub |
Ridding your new bike |
A butterfly on your shirt |
Last day of school :) |
Chilling after a day of hyperbaric oxygen treatments :) |
Playing in the rain |
Puppet Show |
Trying hard to catch a fish |
You caught a frog |
Ready for picture day |
Yummy, we made almond milk together |
One of your masterpieces at lego club |
Giddy up Daddy |
Hanging out with Mommy waiting to pick up our Co-Op order |
Painting nails with sissy ;) |
My little fish |
6 year old check up |
Working hard at school |
Science experiments at library |
Playing air hockey with Mommy |
Snuggles for Mommy |
Bff's |
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