Thursday, December 15, 2011

Yeast, Yeast, Go AWAY and NEVER Come Back!!

As many of you know Hayden is a hot, yeasty mess on the inside.  He have been working hard to get rid of the yeast for the past two years.  It has gotten better.  It has gotten worse.  It has drove me crazy, Hayden crazy, and caused many hours of lack of sleep.  I am DONE with the yeast!!

I decided to go with a new treatment plan to rid Hayden's little body of yeast.  We are using the Candida Wellness Center out of Utah's treatment protocol.  We heard the founder speak at Autism One and have talked with several parents that have used this type of yeast treatment on their children.  There is a 95% success rate of curing yeast infections using this protocol.  Here is a link to the website  We are using diet, bionic silver, and hard hitting probiotics to kill off Hayden's yeast.

I think it's working.  Hayden is some what of a hot mess.  He is stimming more, a little more withdrawn, not sleeping the best, and is getting agitated easier.  These are all signs of a yeast die off.  We are six days into the new yeast protocol.  We were told to expect 7-10 days of worsening symptoms.

Tonight Hayden pooped in the bathtub and put a whole roll of toilet paper in the bathtub.  He was also drinking the water.......YUCK!!!  I must say all my Son-Rise happiness went out the flipping window at this point.  Out of the tub and straight to the shower went my little Hayden.  YUCK....I mean YUCK!!  If any of you have cleaned toilet paper out of the bath tub you know this is not an easy process and then add poop on top of it.........AAAAAHHHHHHH!!  I could tell that Hayden has eaten raspberries by all the seeds left in the tub.  YUCK!!

I know this is only temporary and keep reminding myself that sometimes to move ahead you have to move backward first.  We got this!!  I will say that I am seeing an improvement in  Hayden's eye contact and speech.

At 3am last night Hayden came into our room and said, "Mommy my pants are wet."  I must say in all of my Son-Rise glory at 3am we celebrated :)  I celebrated that he told me he wet his pants and I am pretty sure that he was looking me in the eyes while saying it.  So I got up danced and cheered, helped him get cleaned up, got Hayden a snack, and we cuddled on the couch.

On a good note Hayden's speech therapist stop to see us today.  It was sure great to see her.  I wish Hayden would have shown off for her a little bit more, but that is what life with autism is like.  You want in one hand and shit in the other.

I must say that I love Hayden more than I ever thought I ever could love someone.  He is a pretty amazing little boy that I thank God for every day :)  


  1. Oh yes the fun of die off. There were many times I didn't think I would make it through the die off. Keely went through 2 days of pooping pure liquid and yeast and even vomited when we first hit the program. I took some strong probiotics yesterday that Keely takes and I have not been feeling good, I am sure it is die off in me and with my chocolate addiction I know I have some kind of candida going on. I keep thinking this is not near what Keely has gone through and I feel crappy. We are cheering for you through the yeast treatment, it can be a bumpy ride. Just call and do the free 30 min. appts whenever you need. He would adjust things for Keely if things got to rough or if she went through constipation.

  2. It was pretty quick but also we had just tried something beforehand that was way to strong for Keely so it started her out rough already in a disasterous die off. I took her off that stuff after two days but it really made her go into too hard of detox. She was up and down in the Candida Wellness Program, I think we really started seeing symptoms improving about 3-4 weeks in. She would have die off and then it would mellow out. We were also pretty new to our BED Diet and so she was getting die off with the Cultured Veggies too but. Overall the Candida Wellness was a gradual die off on and off in stages with starting out at a lower dose and slowly building. These little sweethearts, way too much to go through so young. Love them so much!

  3. I am taking a little bit of your blog in at a time it makes me cry everytime! Sometimes tears of joy sometimes tears of sorrow for your family. Mostly alternating throughout the post. I just want to say that after each reading session I am encouraged and filled with hope. You are such a great Mom! Keep it up and I look forward to hearing about your children.
