Thursday, May 24, 2012

We are not going to make my initial goal........

When we started down the biomedical road of Hayden's recovery from autism my goal was to have him recovered before Kindergarten.  Well, Hayden turns 5 years old in July and is due to start Kindergarten in the fall.  The thing is I am completely okay with not meeting this goal, in fact I have not thought about this goal since we started The Son-Rise Program almost 9 months ago.
My original goal to recover Hayden prior to Kindergarten has no value to me anymore.  The truth is I am perfectly happy with where we are at in life.  If Hayden chooses not to progress this day forward I will still love and value him the same.  I don't NEED him to recover from autism......I WANT him to recover from autism.

A very wise man taught me what a huge difference there is between "wanting" and "needing" things in life.  When you need things you are setting yourself up for disappointment or unhappiness when they don't happen.  When you want things you are working towards getting them and if you get what you want great and if you don't get what you want that is great too.  You have the power to choose your happiness, no one else does. YOU are responsible for your own happiness.  You can always have fun with whatever you are doing.

I view daily chores in a whole new light since starting Son-Rise.  I no longer view laundry as a negative, time consuming task.  I am actually excited to wash our clothes and put them away.  How great is it that I have a washer and dryer in my home?  How fabulous is it that I get to wear clean smelling clothes every day?  It is great that I have the ability to wash my own clothes!!  It's AWESOME!!!

I love and accept Hayden just the way he is.  It is his choice to recover himself from autism.  It is my choice to give him every tool possible to help him along the way :)  The love I have for Hayden takes my breath away.....he is a pure, amazing , wonderful, full of life, and has this undescribable spark to him.

I write a letter to the kids every year on their birthday's and put in in their baby books for when they are older.  I am so excited to write Hayden's this year!!  Age 4 has been a big, big year for our family!!

It's your choice to be happy :)


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